miércoles, 3 de abril de 2024


El arte nazarí, también llamado arte granadino, constituye la última etapa del arte hispanomusulmán. Se desarrolla durante los siglos XIII, XIV y XV, extendiéndose además de por el Reino Nazarí de Granada, por Berbería y los dominios cristianos de la península ibérica, contribuyendo al surgimiento del arte mudéjar

 Información obtenida de https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arte_nazar%C3%AD

Los artistas árabes tenían un gran conocimiento geométrico y dejaron en España una importante muestra de auténticos prodigios geomètricos. La Alhambra de Granada es uno de los ejemplos más ricos de arte geométrico.



La figura básica sobre la que se trabaja es un hexágono, por lo que debemos comenzar dibujando una red hexagonal.

El siguiente paso es realizar los giros respecto a sus vértices de las formas que aparecen (según el modelo adjunto) para que se parezcan a un lagarto.

Cuando se haya dibujado la red de lagartos, podremos darles el acabado que cada uno desee para darles nuestro toque personal.

martes, 3 de octubre de 2023


A logo should be simple, unique, and easy to copy and remember. Its values and objectives should be clear.

When designing:

- Use plain colours.

- Use a single font that is easy to read.

- Use simple and clean shapes.

- Check that it can be recognised even when the dimensions change.

- Avoid small details.

- Make many versions.

- Achieve a solid and balanced image.

- Use text with the image.

- Do not repeat the same idea.

Things to avoid:

- Do not use more than three colours.

- Do not use dark or bright colours.

- Do not use special effects (fading, embossing, shading, reflections, etc.).

- Do not reuse photos or images.


A sculpture is a 3-D artwork, which means it has its own volume. This is different from 2-D art forms, like painting or print, which create depth by using perspective, colour or chiaroscuro.

Sculptures can be defined by their type, location, composition and materials.

Types of sculpture

When you can move around a sculpture and look at it from different viewpoints, it is known as free-standing, or a sculpture in the round.

When an artwork is fixed to a wall and you can only see it from the front, it is known as a relief.



  1. Computers have many typefaces and fonts. They are either serif or sans serif. Serifs are small lines found at the end of the letter. They can make long texts easier to read. Typefaces without serifs (sans serif) are common in titles, headings and advertisements, as well as in online publications.
  2. Sometimes, the first letter stands out, not only because it is in upper case, but also because it is larger than the rest of the text. Sometimes it is embellished. This is known as the initial letter.